Captain America: Brave New World

2025 is looking to be a standout year for the MCU, with three cinematic releases. We kick things off with Captain America: Brave New World , directed by Julius Onah, the first Captain America film with Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson taking the lead is long overdue but finally here. The MCU has been on shaky grounds since the Infinity Saga came to an end in Spider-Man: Far From Home in 2019. Whilst there were perhaps one or two films in the Infinity Saga that fell short of the mark, the Multiverse Saga has been miss after miss with films such as Thor: Love and Thunder and The Ant-Man and Wasp: Quantumania being near unwatchable in a saga that feels directionless, over-stuffed and lacking stakes. And yet I have hope, Captain America: Brave New World feels like a soft reset, it is not perfect, but it is a massive step in the right direction.  The opening does two things, it reintroduces us to the often-overlooked 2008 MCU film: The Incredible Hulk before going into a Captain America s...

Christmas Movie Bingo

Can you believe it's already December? This year feels like it has gone so fast! But the best thing about December is Christmas, the cold December nights...and days are perfect for snuggling up inside and watching as many Christmas films as possible. Now every year since starting Just Another Film Blog (Which turns 4 this month!) I have created Christmas movie watchlists, last year I even created two! If you are looking for a movie watchlist check out those here: 2020 Christmas Watchlists ( But this year I wanted to do something a little different, so I would like to introduce you to...drum roll...Christmas movie BINGO! 

Basically, watch a Christmas movie and cross off the bingo items when they happen. Or if you want to make this into a bit of a party game, drink every time something on the bingo happens. Thats it! simple. I will be playing this every day in December on Instagram. So make sure you are following along. 

Merry Christmas and thank you for reading xx 
